Vasanth Reddy

Hey there! I’m Vasanth, a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at Virginia Tech, where I spend my time convincing robots to be a little smarter (and hopefully not take over the world). Advised by the brilliant Dr. Hoda Eldardiry and Dr. Almuatazbellah (Muataz) Boker. my research dives into Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) and control systems. In simpler terms—I teach robots to work together without stepping on each other’s toes (most of the time). I explore things like sparse communication, dynamic curriculum learning, and human-robot interaction, with applications in social navigation and large-scale autonomous systems. When I’m not debugging (or questioning my life choices when training models overnight), I write about cool research topics on my blog. Outside of research, you’ll probably find me playing Volleyball or Table Tennis, where I apply my multi-agent coordination skills in real life—sometimes successfully, sometimes embarrassingly.

Latest News

  • Paper accepted for publication at the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI'25): In Search of a Lost Metric: Human Empowerment as a Pillar of Socially Conscious Navigation [Link]
  • Paper accepted for publication at the American Control Conference (ACC'24): Bottom-Up Approach for Searching for Sparse Controllers with a Budget [Link]